Clinical cases


Case 1: Alice

alice pre-treatment

Prior to the treatment, Alice shared her concerns and desires with the practitioner.

Leveraging both the doctor’s expertise and an assessment of the patient’s facial characteristics, we collaboratively determined the optimal settings for each facial region within Beautymapper, on a scale from 1 (one treatment session) to 3 (three sessions):

  • Palpebromalar trough: 3
  • Perioral: 3
  • Lips: 1
  • Commissure: 3
  • Marionette: 3
  • Nasolabial: 3
  • Midcheek: 2
  • Malar: 2
  • Zygoma: 1
  • Jawline: 1
  • Chin: 1

Beautymapper generated the following predictions for Alice.

alice predictions

Alice's predictions. Left to right: step 1, step 2, step 3.

Following the application of Beautymapper's predictive insights during Alice's treatment, she experienced remarkable improvements in the selected regions that enhanced her overall appearance and confidence.

alice post-treatment

Left to right: pre-treatment; Beautymapper's final prediction; post-treatment.

Case 2: Barbara

barbara pre-treatment

As in Alice's case, prior to the treatment we had a consultation with Barbara to understand her concerns and desires.

Leveraging both the doctor’s expertise and an assessment of the patient’s facial characteristics, we determined the following settings for each facial region within Beautymapper, on a scale from 1 (one treatment session) to 3 (three sessions):

  • Zygoma: 1
  • Lips: 2
  • All other regions: 3

Beautymapper generated the following predictions.

barbara predictions

Barbara's predictions. Left to right: step 1, step 2, step 3.

Following the application of Beautymapper's predictive insights during Barbara's treatment, she experienced remarkable improvements in the selected regions that enhanced her overall appearance and confidence.

barbara post-treatment

Left to right: pre-treatment; Beautymapper's final prediction; post-treatment.

More cases

Below we show other patients that have been successfully treated with Beautymapper.

patient pre-prediction-post

Left to right: pre-treatment; Beautymapper's final prediction; post-treatment.

patient pre-prediction-post

Left to right: pre-treatment; Beautymapper's final prediction; post-treatment.

Below we show how Beautymapper doesn't apply extreme corrections if the patient's facial features are already youthful and well-proportioned. We use a photo of the actress Saoirse Ronan as an example.

Saoirse Ronan pre-prediction-post

Left to right: original; prediction step 1; step 2; step 3.